ODFW will host a series of public meetings around the state in early May to accept public comment on proposals for big game hunting seasons.
At the meetings, ODFW staff will provide information about herd health and populations, propose the number of controlled big game hunting tags to issue for this year and review concepts for 2014 big game regulations.
Oregon offers both general seasons and controlled hunts for big game (deer, elk, pronghorn, bighorn sheep, Rocky Mtn goat, cougar, and black bear). The number of tags for controlled hunts is limited and hunters must apply for them by May 15 each year. Staff proposals for tag numbers will be available at the meetings and posted on ODFW’s website in early May.
The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will consider staff recommendations and adopt final 2013 tag numbers and 2014 big game regulation concepts at its June 6-7 meeting in Tigard.
Read and join the discussion on Oregon Public Meetings on Big Game Regulations at OutdoorHub.com.